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Event - ICE LAND | A Hip h'Opera

ICE LAND | A Hip h'Opera

ICE LAND | A Hip h'Opera

Saturday 8 May, 2021, 8pm

Time: 8pm

Venue: Queens Park Theatre

Ice land: A Hip h’Opera is a brand-new Australian work, using the power of hip hop and featuring new music from Aussie hip hop legends Downsyde, Aria Scarlett and Moana Mayatrix.

With the flow of jazz, the soul of blues and the energy of electro, Ice Land: A Hip h’Opera uses the language of hip hop to tackle a tough issue currently affecting our society –the plague of methamphetamine use; aided by the enigmatic Dnale Ci, it is a twisted tale of grief, addiction and redemption.

Yirra Yaakin has gathered powerful testimonials from users, carers, family members and many others to piece together a full-length contemporary theatre performance using hip hop as the key musical and philosophical drive. Join us as we explore the journey of Ice addiction in all its states, including happiness, invincibility and clarity, through to despair, fear, psychosis and, ultimately, the breakdown of our communities –their ruin.

ICE LAND Tour supported by Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company, the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory bodyand the Western Australian Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

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